You Are Not A CEO, YET! (Paperback)

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Are you ready to transform your journey as a CEO? Discover the ultimate resource designed to guide founders in transitioning into effective CEOs. We're thrilled to present "Navigating the Journey of Leadership," a game-changing 480-page book by Dr. Jake Tayler Jacobs, acclaimed entrepreneur, and business strategist.

Pre-order your copy today and embark on a transformative path to exceptional CEO leadership. Gain invaluable insights on embracing the CEO role, developing essential skills, fostering a growth culture, and driving sustainable success.

But that's not all! As a special bonus, when you pre-order "Navigating the Journey of Leadership," you'll receive a FREE ticket to our highly anticipated "THE CEO BOOTCAMP (2 DAY LIVE CEO TRAINING)" taking place on August 7th and 8th. This immersive training event is an exclusive opportunity to dive deeper into the principles covered in the book and network with fellow ambitious entrepreneurs.

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