What People Say about The
Private Small Business Society...

Don't just take our word for it. This is what our community around the world have said about our programs...

A few weeks after the PSBS began I got a career promotion, moved back to North Carolina, got a supernatural financial blessing that I still can't explain.

Murletter R. Stitt

PBS is literally the higher education I deserve. It’s the knowledge WITH wisdom that does it for me. Bottom line: I feel safe here. I feel I can grow here and that is exactly what’s happening!

Ursula Aviles

Being with this community is the best experience I could ever have on the business side. The tips and information given is amazing! Also, the talent inside of this PBS Skool, is by far the best on the planet! Our goal is to be the bank, buy businesses and share knowledge with all who want it, and even with those who don't. Love this place!!!

Diane E Johnson

Since joining the Private Small Business Society (more like a family) I have been able to launch a business website, increase my marketing skills, and continue to develop abilities to use AI which has all led to increasing the number of businesses and families I have been able to help with their life and health insurance needs. Since joining this Society I have now earned residual income that will cover all my living expenses before I roll out of bed the first of every month. Needless to say, the Private Banker's Society has provided me peace of mind. If I had not been able to attain financial success, I would still consider joining this Society a blessing because of the people I have connected with and the relationships I have built.

Charles Ridler/MBA

Just being a part of the Private Small Business Society has catapulted me out of my "whoa is me" depressive state from chronic illnesses. We have a community of like-minded Cousins who are willing to assist whenever needed, and the williness itself draws all of us closer together as a Family. I've spent years educating this brain of mine, but this community encourages me to tie the knowledge all together into a big beautiful bow sitting on top of the knowledge that can now be executed, thanks to the tremendous library of skill sets teaching how to execute each step of the process. There's so much we can all do to help build God's Kingdom ... especially those less fortunate than others.

Sb Trust

I'm so very grateful & thankful for God Blessing me to be part of the PSBS family/community. The skillsets and training that I'm learning is very valuable & impactful in my personal and business life. My paradigm shift has been reconstructed that's transforming and elevating my mindset to be part of history to help build the Kingdom of God stay Bless family

Marcus Gibson

I submitted the first draft view of her site and I was so nervous to send it. I'm working on myself but thank God one of my cousins prayed for and with me and gave me the courage to send it. My client didn't say anything but made her last payment soon after. I was like ok, well money talks that must mean she like it. Well she wrote me back today and she actually told me what she thought of me in the process

Tracy Wilson

Featured Coach

Ignacio (iiggie) Zambrano, II

Marketing Strategist

Shan Harris

Chief Of Staff

Amir Curry

Sales Strategist

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