Launch Like A Pro - Creating A Winning Product (PAPERBACK VERSION)

Launch Like A Pro - Creating A Winning Product (PAPERBACK VERSION)

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"Launch Like a Pro: Insider Secrets for Creating Winning Products" is a comprehensive guide that unveils the insider knowledge and strategies needed to achieve success in product creation and launch. Drawing from the experience of the author, who has built multiple multi-million dollar companies and acquired tech companies, this book emphasizes the significance of a systematic approach in ensuring the quality of products and services.

It highlights the profound impact that every decision made during the creation and launch process can have on a business's reputation and long-term success. By delving into insider secrets, this book equips readers with the essential tools and insights to launch their products like seasoned professionals.

About the Author:

Dr. Jake Tayler Jacobs is a visionary entrepreneur and business strategist who has made a significant impact in the insurance, coaching, and technology industries. He is widely recognized for his exceptional ability to take businesses from good to great and help them position themselves for a proper exit.

Dr. Jacobs built a multi-million dollar boutique insurance agency from scratch, which became Ameritas insurance company's #3 independent agency in the country. He then went on to create a successful coaching program that helped over 10,000 small business founders and entrepreneurs in over 22 different countries on the concept of private banking, marketing, business development, and technology.

Realizing the importance of technology integration to help smaller businesses compete with larger ones, Dr. Jacobs began acquiring enterprise software companies, from business automation SaaS to his newest development, an accounting and bookkeeping software for small cap businesses.

After completing a full buy, build, and sell of one of his technology platforms, Dr. Jacobs recognized the need for businesses to position themselves for a proper exit. He and his team turned their company's focus completely on taking businesses from good to great and potentially becoming attractive enough to sell.

Dr. Jacobs has been a Forbes Business Council member for three years and has been featured in numerous publications such as Yahoo Finance, Disrupt Magazine, Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Bloomberg, Voyage Dallas, and more. He was also named Entrepreneur of the Year for the Greater Southwest Black Chamber of Commerce and is a TEDx speaker.

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