The A.C.E. Formula | Ignacio J. Zambrano, II

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"The A.C.E. Formula" book is a super cool guide that teaches businesses how to be awesome at marketing. Written by Ignacio J. Zambrano II, it's like a secret tool to make any business grow big and strong. The book is all about three special steps: Attention, Conversation, and Exploitation.

1. Attention: This is about making your business get noticed. It's like when musicians or TV shows get really popular and everyone talks about them. The book shows you how to make your business get that kind of buzz.

2. Conversation: This step is about making friends with your customers. It's not just about selling stuff, but also about chatting and building a cool bond with people who like your business.

3. Exploitation: This sounds a bit serious, but it's actually about turning all that buzz and friendship into sales. It means your business gets to grow and make more money.

The book is full of fun examples and easy tips that any business, from small ones to really big ones, can use right away. It's like having a guide to make your brand super popular and hard to forget. So, if you want your business to be as famous as a rock star or a hit TV show, this book is your secret weapon.

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